Irvine Ranch Water District
Wastey, The Worst Mascot
Client Type
Water District
Social Media | Paid Social
With more than 728,600 residents located within the region serviced and provided for by the Irvine Ranch Water District, Idea Hall was tasked with developing a digital campaign to reach both new and existing customers to engage and bolster drought awareness. Idea Hall created social content for a 6 week campaign to be rolled out on IRWD’s Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter platforms, building on the Wastey character created during the #HowDoYouDrought campaign.
Both IRWD and Idea Hall wanted to approach the topic of water conservation from an angle that had not been done before. The idea of the worst mascot came together. Something that everyone could root against. By using humor, Idea Hall helped IRWD stand out from other conservation based messaging.
The successful #TurnOffWastey campaign ran on FB and IG Feb. 6 – Mar. 22, and on Twitter between Feb. 21 and Mar. 18. Overall, there was high interaction and engagement on all platforms. Paid efforts generated over 4.4M impressions, over 2M video plays, and over 567.7k post engagements. Instagram alone saw an 11,500% increase in accounts reached, a 9,300% increase in profile visits, a 302.8% increase in new follows on profile, and a 414% increase in engaged Instagram users on stories.