Randy Hall


Randy oversees the business and financial operations of Idea Hall and has been with the agency since 2008. He is a marketing and PR strategist with special emphasis in commercial real estate and financial services, having spent 25 years in those industries in a wide range of capacities. He has led brand development campaigns for real estate operating companies and asset-level projects, brokerage firms, investment management companies and financial institutions. Randy received his business degree from the University of Kansas, is a board member at UCI’s Center for Real Estate, belongs to NAIOP, and is a supporter of Court Appointed Special Advocates and Cystinosis Research Foundation.
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Client & Partner History

Bixby Land, CT Realty, Birtcher Development, EQ Office, RD Olson, UCI Center for Real Estate, Faris Lee, DAUM Commercial, Sabal Financial, Carpenter & Company, Buchanan Street Partners

I'm a Champion of...

doing good work for and with good people. The older I get, the more I appreciate the people.


Hutchinson, KS


I’ve pursued life with great and at times manic passion. Skiing, scuba, travel, cooking, basketball, landscape photography, hiking, camping, golf, Jayhawk Basketball, barbeque and the Colorado Rocky Mountains. I’m passionate about my boss (hi honey!) and our fabulous 3-year-old, Katie Rae.